Creating a Multi-Channel Support Experience with SupportCandy Helpdesk Plugin?

Creating a Multi-Channel Support Experience with SupportCandy Helpdesk Plugin?

Long gone is the time when the world was limited to one single method of business communication. We are now living in the AI era and yes the best is yet to come, we have today several platforms that customers use to interact with companies for their products, services, and other inquiries. 

The scenario is more important to understand that with a minute of ignorance can lead you to lose a customer. Customers today use channels such as Live Chat to get an instant response to their inquiries. However, customers are not limited to that only. Social Media, email, calls, website contact forms, and whatnot, they use everything at their convenience. 

To not lose potential customers, a company must use multichannel support to be available at all times. As most businesses are on WordPress today, a support plugin for WordPress is all you need. 

Understanding the Importance of a Multichannel Support:

Multichannel support opens up another dimension of supporting your customers, leading them to queries, follow-up, and finally buying a product. The hero of the scenario is always the customer and the motive of being available is making the paths easier for them. 

Creating multichannel support means better and more convenient pathways for customers to contact you. Though as the company, you will have to keep all the support systems on continuous track, in return you get multiple more potential customers through all the channels. Continue reading for knowhow multichannel support your business among new & old customers alike. 

1.    Customer Convenience:

As we mentioned, all businesses are focused on customers only. The hero of their story is the customers and not the company itself. This means the company must keep itself as the second priority.

Multi-channel support system indeed increases the support load on the companies but it offers a super easy pathway for customers. They can use any method of communication they are comfortable with. It can be traditional ones such as emails or phone calls. Likewise, they can go for social media & live chat like an advanced system. All these are to offer maximum comfort to your customers and gain their trust on multiple levels. 

2.    Improved Responsiveness:

Responsiveness is the new key to grabbing customers’ attention today. Getting control over multi channel support helps you to be more responsive to your customers on all platforms. When you offer quick responses to customer queries, they become attentive to your answers. You gain their trust and respect. The following comes to a healthy follow-up and sales. 

But it doesn’t end here. Once the sales are completed and you’re still available with the same responsiveness, it encourages people to keep their trust in you and become a loyal customer for a long time. No wonder when they start mouth marketing for you. 

3.    Wider Reach:

With a support plugin for WordPress, your business gains a wider reach to a global audience, making it easier to sell by targeting the right consumer through the right platform. Not all people are convenient with emails or phone calls. The same goes for another group of people who don’t want to connect on social media. 

Choosing one among them will reduce your potential to half or quarter only. Meeting customers on various platforms like social media and apps will give you some new demographics and a chance to tap into new markets. 

4.    Real-Time Interactions:

Live chat and messaging support systems enable you to solve your customer’s issues in real-time. These platforms help your customers to connect with you at any time of the day, expecting a message from your side instantly. This ensures the instant problem-solving of your customers and immediate assistance when needed. 

5.    Enhanced Customer Insights:

With a multichannel support system, you gain favourable insights into your customers throughout all the platforms. By analysing all the platforms, you gain valuable insights about customer behaviour on each platform, preferences, pain points, and expectations. 

These insights lead you to better services, modifications in products, support strategies and to create a better personalised experience for customers. 

6.    Competitive Advantages:

Advanced multichannel customer support keeps you ahead of the competition, giving your name a brand identity ahead of others in this crowded market. This helps you to call your customers’ needs immediately and effectively, making your company your customer’s top choice for versatile support options. 

SupportCandy Helpdesk Plugin:

WordPress today is the biggest website builder powering up nearly 60% of all active websites globally. Whether it is a business or blogging website, WP has all covered it up for you. But to make it more efficient, a support plugin for WordPress is a must, and here comes the SupportCandy. 

SupportCandy offers you a help desk WordPress plugin to cover all your online support requirements. No doubt there are other plugins as well but most of them are either high priced or complex enough not to understand completely.

SupportCandy covers all of these issues by providing a simple to understand and comes with a detailed guide manual to install and manage the system. Moreover, you will get highly professional support from the company itself. With 2,50,000+ downloads, SupportCandy has now become one of the most preferred support plugin for WordPress in India.

Setting Up Support Channels with SupportCandy:

1. Ticketing System:

– Install the SupportCandy support plugin for WordPress on your website. 

– Go to the dashboard and choose SupportCandy settings. 

– Go to general settings and explore the features like Default ticket status, priority, and department. 

– Optimise the settings of notifications accordingly. 

2. Email:

– Enable the email add-on in SupportCandy. 

– Submit an email address to receive support inquiries. 

– Optimise the email settings such as IMAP or POP3 server details to receive emails as tickets. 

3. Multichannel Integration:

Alongside emails & ticketing systems, the SupportCandy support plugin for WordPress works best with several modern support channels. These new channels help your customers to buy a product, inquiry, and instant support. These channels are as follows. 

–         WooCommerce

–         Slack

–         Gravity Forms

–         Easy Digital Downloads

–         Ultimate FAQs.

–         Knowledgebase


Management Hacks to Support Requests Effectively:

Categorization & Prioritization:

SupportCandy help desk WordPress plugin helps you to categorise and prioritise your requests. This helps you to check which ones are urgent and need to be evaluated immediately. This way your team can focus on the critical issues first and use their time & resources better to enhance customer satisfaction. 

Internal Notes & Collaboration:

Use internal notes to share insights & data within teams. Such relevant information can help the whole organisation to understand the slope things are going in. Plus it improves coordination among teams, resolving complex issues easily. 

Ticket Assignment & Escalation:

Using ticket assignment for each complaint or inquiry under the category helps the right team member to evaluate the issue. This helps all the issues easily dealt with within the appropriate time. Also, the ticketing system makes it easy to recognize critical issues and pass them to high-level authority support or management.

Automated Responses:

Automated responses in the help desk WordPress plugin use a script full of appropriate responses according to customers’ input. They include initial information from the customers and accordingly, within the response time, automated responses suggest an answer to them. It saves you time and lets you work on more important queries instead.

Read More : Why Use Help Desk Plugins for Customer Support in WordPress?

Knowledge Base Integration:

Knowledge base helps both customers & agents in the form of documents, videos, and visual guides. Once integrated, it will help customers to solve their basic queries by themselves. On the other hand, it will help your agents to get access to relevant data & information to assist them. 


Using the help desk WordPress plugin helps you to establish an advanced and efficient support system for your business. Though many support systems are available, either they are too costly or complex with unnecessary advanced features. Contrary, SupportCandy makes a balance between both, giving an excellent combination.  

SupportCandy offers you several tools to integrate with such as WooCommerce, Slack, and Knowledgebase. SupportCandy has now 2,50,000+ downloads in WordPress and comes among the top preferences for a customer support system. Install the SupportCandy support plugin today and entertain your customer with exceptional integrity & professionalism. 

Click here to check it now:  How to Choose the Right Customer Support Plugin for Your WordPress Website.