Best WordPress Ticketing System for Effective Customer Support

Best WordPress Ticketing System for Effective Customer Support

The 2-Ps, product & people are all about running businesses. As a business owner, you must understand the value of people and their queries about your services or products. The better you are, the higher would be the number of customer issues. If you’re facing this, celebrate as it’s a good omen for your business. 

But here is the case with customer queries & support systems. Sometimes it can go hectic and you can get stuck to it the whole day. Unarranged customer queries are a headache for companies. Thanks to WordPress ticketing system customer support can help you in dealing with this situation. 

Look at the internet and you will be exposed to several ticket system plugins. But whom to choose for your business? In this article, we have given a complete in-detailed description of choosing a ticketing system for your business. Read the complete article and get one for yourself. 

Importance of Ticketing System for Customer Support:

importance of Ticketing System for Customer Support


Installing a ticketing system will help you categorise the queries, analyse data, customer previous records, and multi-platform integration system. The  benefits of the ticketing system in a business is endless and profits are huge. 

A good ticketing system manages all the customer aspects of your business. It operates through all your business profiles on the internet, strengthening it with all cornerstones possible. 

A WordPress advanced ticket system helps you in several ways.

– Your support team can track all the customer queries. Tracking issues come when queries are lost among the bundles of emails. 

– You can customise the ticket system for categorising the tickets. This way you can focus on the priority tickets and postpone the less important ones. 

– Often the support team is stuck with repetitive work each day. Installing a ticketing system for customer support helps your team by resolving all repetitive issues and letting your team work on more important tasks. 

– A ticketing system can help you track your agent’s individual performance. A customer support agent’s work is crucial and highly demanded in the corporate world. You can keep an eye on performance, customer satisfaction, ticket volume, and resolution time in a data-driven format. 

– The ticketing system improves your overall efficiency by drawing all data on one screen. With a ticket system, your agents will have access to the last conversation with the customers, their data, and even the next steps to solve their issues. 

Important Qualities of a WordPress Ticketing System:

Important Qualities of a WordPress Ticketing System

  1.   Simple to Use:

The best ever service for a customer is to care. Sometimes a simpler thing is what all want. Each day new technology is coming and people are rejecting them. Only the ones who are easy to access, interact friendly with users and serve greatly with simple instructions survive in the market. 

A good ticketing system will do the exact things for your user. Unless a user is finding it easy & accessible, say no to all offers. 

  1.   Integration with Multiple Channels:

A ticket system software must allow consumers to raise tickets from any platform for their convenience. These can include phones, emails, live chat, social media platforms, or any company accounts. 

  1.   Tracking the Ticket Status:

When customers raise a ticket, they deserve to know what is going on with the ticket. No information always makes them unsatisfied. Invest in a ticket system that keeps them at ease by giving them access to the updated status of their tickets. 

  1.   Offer Self-Services:

Do you know what’s best for technology? It’s self-service. A worthy ticket system will always offer you automation and self-services for users. This helps you to be available 24×7 for them and ease your workload by offering them the power to solve their queries themselves. 

  1.   Access to Historical Data:

A ticketing system will keep its tickets in a safe room. When needed, you should be able to check out all the historical data related to that including the origin date, issues, progress report, and if the problem is solved or not. 

  1.   Notification Alert System:

Any Ticketing system will offer this feature to create a customer-friendly environment in the business. These notifications will alert your consumers via several methods such as emailing, messaging, social media chats, etc. to keep them updated about their ticket status. 

  1.   Ability to Categorise Tickets:

One of the most comprehensive qualities of ticketing systems is to categorise the tickets based on their nature, urgency, and requirement. This way you can create uniformity among tickets. 

  1.   Wide Customization Options:

Any WordPress ticketing system should be flexible to suit different businesses. Understanding the needs of the business, the customization must be available on a wide scale. 

Top WordPress Ticketing Systems:

We are listing down the top 4 WordPress ticketing systems so that you can skip the trial & error time for your business. Though we have listed them by numbering orders, we don’t believe in the term ‘Best’ but ‘Excellent’. You can choose among them considering your needs & budget. 

1.    Support Candy WordPress Ticket System:

Whatever you expect from a ticket plugin, Support plugin offers all that. It is comprehensive in nature, offering several features for agents & users alike. You can assign manual agents to their roles. Customization is a big factor in the Support Candy ticket system that you can use to get merged into your business vibes. 

Features of SupportCandy: 

– Front-end form ticket submission. 

– Shortcodes for ticket submission forms & support. 

– Custom fields to add in the ticket submission. 

– Allows you to work with designated users only. 

– Assign specific agents to specific agents. 

– Notification system for new tickets. 

– Unlimited number of support agents allowed

– Multilingual Support

– Mobile-optimised Interface

– GDPR Compliance

– API Integration

– Community & Documentation 

– Free version available. 

2. WSDesk:

WSDesk is equipped with all the basic features of a WP ticketing system. It comes in both free & premium versions that allow you to have a choice. Go for a free version if you’re running a small business. It is easy to use and user-friendly. It is light and Ajax based which is beneficial for your website’s speed. 


– Email Piping

– Unlimited Agents

– Easy Setup

– Tabbed Ticket View

– Faster Page Loading

– Performance Report

– Custom Ticket Submission Form

– Quick Reply System

– WPML Support

3. FAST:

The FAST-WordPress support ticket plugin is both for regular WP websites as well as the WooCommerce stores. It offers front-end tickets to users for registering issues about your services or products. The front-end tickets are fully customizable and you can put up with your questions. 


– Allowing submission of report tickets

– Submit tickets for specific WooCommerce products

– Users can reply via email from the dashboard only. 

– Receive notifications via Slack, email, or directly. 

– Customer satisfaction report. 

4. LiveAgent:

Looking for a simple ticket system then LiveAgent is for you. It also leaves an easy-to-handle dashboard for you that allows you to receive tickets through all digital platforms such as Email, social media, or via a phone call. 


– Tracks the ticket status

– Organise the tickets

– Create a self-help community with the knowledge base

– IVR Services

– Email Support

– Helpdesk integration with digital media platforms

– Customer Portal

Elements to Consider When Comparing WordPress Ticketing System:  

  1. Check for collaboration tools as your team must work like a team and not individuals. This will allow your team to access draft replies and share calls among themselves.  
  2. Look for a cloud-based help desk in the ticket system and also for the feature of private inboxes. 
  3. A ticket system should have integration with a knowledge base to offer self-service to customers. 
  4. A great way to build trust is to create a customer portal where they can cross-check their ticket status & other data. 
  5. It should be accessible via multichannel for customer convenience. 
  6. Any ticketing system must be simple to use for both parties. Customers should feel the ease in raising tickets as well as the agents must not face complexities to use the system. 

Future Trends in WordPress Ticketing System:

Technology is rapidly growing and no industry will be left behind. The same is for the ticketing system and the industry is undergoing some huge changes like these. 

– Soon the software will use AI-powered WordPress advanced ticket systems including NLP, machine learning, and other technologies. 

– Smart chatbots & virtual assistants are going to be the next helping agents. 

– Integration features will be greater & more liberating to other platforms. 

– The ticket system is moving towards mobile compatibility so don’t wonder if one day it is operated through just a phone. 

– Soon ticket system software is going to offer self-service portals. 

– We may witness a rise of blockchain technology in ticketing systems. 


Several WordPress IT & WordPress  ticketing system are available on the internet offering their services at quite reasonable prices. However, we don’t want to roam around and look for the one that will suit you without having the base knowledge of the technology. 

In this article, we have discussed in-detailed how you can choose the best ticketing system available. We have also mentioned the 4 ticketing systems that we felt are great for any business looking for a better way to serve their customers. 

Check them all out and get a ticketing system for your business today.