Support → Settings → General Settings → General

Ticket status after customer reply

You can set the status when a customer (ticket creator) submits a reply within the ticket. You can disable this by choosing the option “Do not change”.

Ticket status after agent reply

You can set the status when an agent submits a reply within the ticket. You can disable this by choosing the option “Do not change”.

Close Ticket Status

This is the status that appears when the agent/customer closes the ticket.

Reply form Position

You can set the reply form position at your convenience. The only difference is when the reply form is set at the top, the threads will appear in descending order(latest first) and vice versa.

Default Date format 

This is the default date format when you don’t choose any specific format while creating the Date/DateTime custom fields. You can modify it at your convenience. For example, you can set it as “D d F Y”. Please click here to learn about format placeholders.

Ticket Alice

You can customize the name of your ticket. For example, You can name it “Case”. So you mention it as “Case #”.  This Alice will be used in individual tickets, email notifications, etc.

Allow close ticket

You can define who can close the ticket. Agents from the chosen agent roles must have the below access to enable the “Close” button in an individual ticket:

  1. Access to the ticket
  2. Change ticket status capability
  3. Close ticket capability
Allow create new ticket 

Here you can choose who can create tickets.

  1. Registered user: Allows create new tickets for WordPress registered users
  2. Guest: Allows create new tickets for website visitors with no user account
  3. Agent Roles: Choose support agent roles to allow agents of that role to create tickets.
Thread Email Visibility

You can control who (agent roles) can see the email address of the ticket thread user. Customers will not see the email addresses of the threads.

Select allowed search fields

Add the fields in which you want to search the keyword. Here you can add default fields as well as custom fields.

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