Macros are widely used in ticketing systems for replacing dynamic information in email notifications, print tickets, replies, schedule tickets, etc. You will get a list of macros in the “Insert macro” option available below the text editor.

Here is the list of macros available for your use:

Macro Description
{{ticket_id}} Ticket id of current ticket
{{customer_name}} Name of ticket creator
{{customer_first_name}} First name of ticket creator
{{customer_email}} Email address of ticket creator
{{last_reply}} Last reply submitted in the ticket
{{last_reply_user_name}} Name of the agent/customer who submitted the last reply
{{last_reply_user_email}} Email of the agent/customer who submitted the last reply
{{last_reply_user_first_name}} First name of the agent/customer who submitted the last reply
{{last_note}} Last note submitted in the ticket
{{last_note_user_name}} Name of the agent/customer who submitted the last note
{{last_note_user_email}} Email of the agent/customer who submitted the last note
{{last_note_user_first_name}} First name of the agent/customer who submitted the last note
{{current_user_name}} Name of the current user
{{current_user_email}} Email of the current user
{{current_user_first_name}} First name of the current user
{{ticket_history}} Ticket history of reports(description) and few replies excluding the last reply. You can decide the count of replies in Advanced Settings.
{{ticket_history_all}} It prints all replies and report(description) of the current ticket.
{{ticket_notes_history}} It prints all notes of the current ticket
{{ticket_history_all_with_notes}} It prints all replies, notes, and report(description) of the current ticket.
{{ticket_history_all_with_logs}} It prints all replies, logs, and report(description) of the current ticket.
{{ticket_history_all_with_notes_and_logs}} It prints all replies, logs, notes, and report(description) of the current ticket.
{{ticket_notes_history_with_logs}} It prints all notes and logs of the current ticket.
{{ticket_url}} URL of current ticket
{{name}} Name of the ticket creator
{{subject}} Subject of the current ticket
{{description}} Description of the current ticket
{{status}} Status of the current ticket
{{priority}} Priority of the current ticket
{{category}} Category of the current ticket
{{assigned_agent}} Assignee of the current ticket
{{date_created}} Date on which the current ticket has been created
{{date_updated}} Date on which the current ticket has been last updated
{{agent_created}} It will return the agent name who created the ticket on behalf of the customer
{{ip_address}} IP address of the ticket creator
{{source}} Source of the ticket(Email piping, gravity form, browser, schedule ticket, IMAP, Gmail, Microsoft Exchange)
{{browser}} Browser of the customer used for creating a ticket
{{os}} Operating system of the customer
{{add_recipients}} Additional recipients added to the ticket
{{prev_assignee}} Previous assignee of the current ticket
{{date_closed}} Date on which the current ticket has been closed
{{user_type}} It will return the user type as a registered user or guest user
{{last_reply_on}} Date on which the last reply received in the ticket
{{last_reply_by}} The user who last replied to the ticket
{{usergroups}} It gives a list of Usergroups of current ticket creator
{{time_logs}} It will give all timer logs of the current ticket
{{time_spent}} Time Spent by the agent on the current ticket
{{sf_feedback}} Feedback received for the current ticket
{{satisfaction_survey_links}} Satisfaction survey links for a current ticket to get ratings from the user
{{satisfaction_survey_url}} URL of the page on which users can rate the support
{{rating}} Rating received for the current ticket
{{sla_logs}} It will gives all SLA logs of the current ticket
{{basepress_kb}} BasePress knowledgebase suggestions
{{bwl_kb}} BWL knowledgebase suggestions
{{echo_kb}} Echo knowledgebase suggestions
{{helpdesk_kb}} Helpdesk knowledgebase suggestions
{{helpguru_kb}} Helpguru knowledgebase suggestions
{{pressapp_kb}} Pressapp knowledgebase suggestions
{{wp_kb}} WP knowledgebase suggestions
{{betterdocs_kb}} BetterDocs knowledgebase suggestions
{{acronix_faq}} Acronix FAQ suggestions
{{ultimate_faq}} Ultimate FAQ suggestions
{{ticket_url_plain}} URL of a current ticket for the Backend
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