
The Pin Tickets feature allows support agents to keep track of important tickets by pinning them. Pinned tickets will always appear at the top of the ticket list, regardless of the sorting algorithm, ensuring they remain visible and accessible.

How to Enable

Admin users can enable the Pin Tickets feature by navigating to Support > Settings > Productivity Suite > Pin Ticket.

Who can pin ticket

Admin users can control which agents have permission to pin tickets. This can be configured by navigating to Support > Support Agents > Agent Roles > Edit > Pin Ticket Access.

How to use

Support agents can pin tickets directly from the ticket list. Once a ticket is pinned, it will stay at the top of the ticket list regardless of the sorting algorithm. However, if the pinned ticket is not part of the filtered tickets, it will not be included in the filtered ticket list.

By utilizing the Pin Tickets feature, support agents can easily keep track of and prioritize important tickets, ensuring they are addressed promptly and efficiently.

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